Thursday, March 26, 2009

Separated at Birth

You may not know this, but I have a sister. Her name is Jennifer and we were separated at birth. It really is tragic. Despite the fact that we did not grow up together, we are very much alike. We are like personalities, we like the same food, we think alike and we even named our children with the same consonants...K & C. Matter of fact, we both have a Cole. She is one of the few friends that I can shop with...although we have only done that a time or two! I could go on and on, the similarities are scary. The greater tragedy is that we weren't reunited until 2003. Oh, those wasted years!

Ok, I know I am probably freaking my dad out. Jennifer is not my biological sister. But if I had the choice of picking a sister, she would have been first on the list. I had the privilege of really getting to know Jennifer at a Women of Faith Conference. When you share a room with Jennifer, Becky & Helen, there is bound to be some fun. Since that time, we have just clicked. I love her husband, her kids and her dad. I love her!

Now, I must admit, I suck as a friend. I am not the type that is going to call you on the phone everyday and just chit-chat. I am pretty much just wrapped up in my family and life in general. Not a good excuse, just pretty much my m.o. But ours is a friendship that continues to stand the test of time. We may go months without speaking (other than FB) and we seldom see each other since I up and moved away from God's country. But, when we get together it is so amazing how we seem to just pick right back up from where we left off.

I got to visit with Jennifer for a while today over a pretty awesome burrito. I am amazed by her transperancy, her grace and her love for her family and the Lord. It was like going home and getting wrapped in a nice warm blanket. It made me sad for the miles that are between us, but it was a taste of home enough to keep me going.

I love you Jennifer, my faithful friend. Looking forward to our next "burrito"!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Five Boys and a Covered Wagon

This weekend we celebrated Cole and Colton's birthdays with a Conestoga Campout at Truett Cathy's Rock Ranch. We are not really the camping type, so I was a little leery from the get-go! But wow, what a great experience. Upon arrival, we found out that we would have a little campground to ourselves complete with it's own port-a-potty. Now that's primitive!...and sorry no pictures of the port-a-potty (but I will tell you that praise Jesus it was clean!)

Truett Cathy is known for his customer service and family friendly endeavors. The Conestoga Campout was no exception. The staff was pleasant, helpful and provided everything to make our experience memorable. So support Chik-fil-a, there aren't many businesses like it anymore.

Once we were settled in, we took a hayride then began the evening with painting bird houses. Katie thought the boys would not like to do an art project, but it was a big hit.

After that, the boys all gathered fire wood and got a lesson in fire building from Brian.

Mr. Harvey joined us before dinner for story-time. This is another activity that I was unsure of whether or not the boys would enjoy, but Mr. Harvey captured them with his songs, stories and pictures. He even taught them a rope trick that illustrated our need for Christ.

Next it was hot dogs and roasted marshmallows and of course cupcakes. Thank God for wide open spaces to burn all that sugar off! There was hide and seek in the dark, flashlight tag and whispers and giggles in the wagon before bed.

Bed time was a whole different story. It was COLD...I cannot express was COLD. Every move made could be felt throughout the wagon, including Trevor falling out of bed not once...but twice! Every sound could be heard...cows mooing, four wheelers roaming at 3 am, Brian snoring! Needless to say, it was a restless night. A little discomfort far outweighed hearing the giggles of friendship throughout the evening. When they all asked the next morning if we could do it again next year, I knew we had made the right decision. Although I think maybe it will be a guys only weekend next time! (at least a girl can hope!)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cole is 9!

Dear Cole,
At 11:24 am you will officially be 9 years old. 9 years old! Will you please stop growing up?! I can still remember the day I found out that the baby growing in my tummy was a boy. It was such an exciting day. The doctor saw me first and scanned my tummy to make sure that you were healthy. She asked me if I wanted to know before everyone else came in the room. I of course said yes because I hate surprises. When she told me it was a boy, it was so hard to contain my tears and put a straight face on so I would not give it a away. You see, with a family full of girls, we prayed so hard for a boy. From that day our life has been a whirlwind. I could never have imagined the joy you would bring. You have taught me so many things. From the most practical...change diapers quick or you will get sprayed! the profound of finding humor in every situation. You have blessed our home with laughter. You have taught us not to sweat the small stuff. Nine years ago you were an answered prayer and today those prayers are still being answered as I get the privilege to see you grow.

Happy Birthday Cole...and even though I wish I could freeze you in time...I wish you many, many more! Love always, Mommy

When I first heard the news of you, I did the things most Mommies do. I opened up my heart so wide,Where you will always have a place inside. ~author unknown

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Have You Seen My Husband?

One more thing I failed to mention below....Have you seen my husband? He is a HOTTY!

I Love My Husband, God's Son

A magnificent marriage begins not with knowing one another but with knowing God.~ Gary Ricucci
Brian and I had the opportunity to attend a marriage conference over the weekend. It was a simulcast put on by Focus on the Family. There was a great speaker line-up including Beth Moore (my favorite encourager) and Gary Thomas. The conference wasn't a "how-to" type, it basically dealt with the heart of marriage. To say we were profoundly impacted by this conference would be an understatement. And just to prove it, Satan has been knocking at the door all week! (I often tell my family that Satan doesn't come knocking unless you are following God, because he is not going to make that effort when you are following him.)

I purchased a book by Gary Thomas called Sacred Marriage and it is convicting me to the core. Here are just a few statements made in the book that are knocking my socks off:
~The real purpose of marriage may not be happiness as much as it is holiness.
~If I really want to see God transform me from the inside out, I need to concentrate on changing myself not my spouse.
~Once we enter marriage, we cannot love God without loving our spouse as well.
~Your spouse may be difficult to love at times, but that's what marriage is for - to teach us how to love.

I could go on and on...I have almost every line in the book highlighted! Sometimes it is difficult to love Brian, I am sure he would say the same about me. Love is hard, marriage is's not like all those fairytales I read as a child. But I am striving to look at my marriage with different lenses. God has blessed me with His son, Brian Tuck. Brian was created in His could you not love that! Brian is God-fearing, he works hard, he loves ME warts and all! He's my helpmate, my lover and my friend. I am blessed beyond measure. Help me Jesus to love you more so I can love him better!

Brian, if you're reading...I promise that I will fight for our marriage until the day I die. You are not the man that I got to be young with...but luckily...your the man I get to grow old with!