Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it Really October?

I can't believe my last post was in July and now it is the end of October. Where has the time gone? The kids have been back in school for a while, Brian and I have turned another year older, the leaves are falling from the trees and Christmas is just around the corner. I can remember as a child that time seemed to creep by so slowly, not any more! Our life in the slow cooker is suddenly not so slow.

My return to a full-time career has become just that...full-time plus. Days turn into weeks and the weeks into months. We are right in the middle of our season and I am counting down until November 15th. The golf course has kept Brian busy. We have actually seen each other more this week than we have in a while and that is only because we were both home sick with bad colds. Ugh! There is a light at the end of the tunnel and we are all looking forward to some reconnect time in the next few weeks.

The kids have been real troopers in all of our craziness and I am constantly reminded at how blessed I am. They are easy going and just go with the flow and are very patient with this hectic new life of ours.

I hope to be more diligent with my posts and apologize that I have gotten so far behind. Like I said...November 15th is right around the corner! More posts ahead with what we have "simmering" on the home front. Stay tuned!